66 research outputs found

    Building Information Modelling in Operations of Maintenance at the University of Alicante

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    The benefits derived from the use of building information Modeling (BIM) methodologies are a current issue in the field of research in both design and construction phase. However, the profits achieved in the maintenance stage are still an almost unexplored issue. This fact is especially relevant in public organizations, in particular on university campuses where the building assets are a value added service that must maintain their quality. In this connection, this paper aims to restructure the current maintenance operations at Alicante University and focus them towards BIM environments. It identifies the current building maintenance process on campus, determining the problems it faces since an incident occurs until it resolves. To this end, the research methodology includes semi structured surveys, interviews and benchmarking sessions with technical office staff, managers and maintenance workers at the University of Alicante together with relevant external stakeholders. Consequently, all the information obtained will enable a better procedure based on BIM for improving both preventive and corrective maintenance. The study case is focused on the renovation of the building Former Faculty of Education at The University of Alicante and the results confirm the potential of implementing BIM on campus through a more accurate access to information that optimizes and speeds up the maintenance process

    A Construction Management Framework for Mass Customisation in Traditional Construction

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    A Mass Customisation model is discussed as a competitive positioning strategy in the marketplace adding value to the customer’s end-use. It includes the user as part of the construction process responding to the customer’s demands and wishes. To the present day, almost all proposals for Mass Customisation have been focused on the design phase and single family houses. The reality is that the processes carried out in the work execution are so inefficient that the costs of the Mass Customisation models are assumed by the customer and they do not offer solutions that support the change management. Furthermore, this inefficiency often makes Mass Customisation unfeasible in terms of deadlines and site management. Therefore, the present proposal focuses on achieving the paradigm of Mass Customisation in the traditional residential construction complementary to the existing proposals in the design phase. All this through the proposal of a framework for the integral management in the work execution, which will address change management introduced by the users offering an efficient and productive model that reduces costs in the process. This model will focus on the synergy between different strategies, techniques and technologies currently used in the construction management (such as Lean Construction or Six Sigma), together with, other strategies and technologies that have proven to be valid solutions in other fields (such as Business Process Management, Service Oriented Architecture, etc.).This work was supported in part by the Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, University of Alicante and by the Conselleria d'Educació, Cultura i Esport, Generalitat Valenciana

    A Context-Driven Model for the Flat Roofs Construction Process through Sensing Systems, Internet-of-Things and Last Planner System

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    The main causes of building defects are errors in the design and the construction phases. These causes related to construction are mainly due to the general lack of control of construction work and represent approximately 75% of the anomalies. In particular, one of the main causes of such anomalies, which end in building defects, is the lack of control over the physical variables of the work environment during the execution of tasks. Therefore, the high percentage of defects detected in buildings that have the root cause in the construction phase could be avoidable with a more accurate and efficient control of the process. The present work proposes a novel integration model based on information and communications technologies for the automation of both construction work and its management at the execution phase, specifically focused on the flat roof construction process. Roofs represent the second area where more defects are claimed. The proposed model is based on a Web system, supported by a service oriented architecture, for the integral management of tasks through the Last Planner System methodology, but incorporating the management of task restrictions from the physical environment variables by designing specific sensing systems. Likewise, all workers are integrated into the management process by Internet-of-Things solutions that guide them throughout the execution process in a non-intrusive and transparent way

    BIM Methodology. A Tool for Improving the Learning of Construction Systems

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    The construction sector is currently undergoing a process of change. For years, its methods of design and execution have been constant, without hardly modifications. Today, BIM technology (Building Information Modeling), has meant a conceptual revolution in how to manage the entire construction process. It is not a question of learning to use a specific software, it is a change of roles, of working methodology. BIM technology seeks to centralize information in order to reduce duplicities leading to errors of execution and consequently to an unnecessary economic loss and an increase of the expected time frames. The solution of problems is now handled jointly by the different professionals who are part of the design and execution of a building: architects, calculation engineers, constructors and of course building engineers. There is no longer an individual work but a group work. Faced with this reality, professional change must be years before in the learning stage. In the Architectural Technology Degree there are several subjects where the application of BIM technology would be an incentive for the student. The student would be in contact with the latest software used in the construction sector as well as BIM technology will provide him the understanding of the subject. As a particular case, the present paper focuses on the subject of "Fundamentals of Construction", compulsory subject of first year of the Architectural Technology Degree at the University of Alicante. This subject is a first contact of the student with the execution of structural elements, with materials such as reinforced concrete and / or steel. Traditionally, the process of teaching and learning in subjects related to building systems has been carried out following a theoretical and practical framework, where the student had to draw constructive solutions in two dimensions about foundations, slabs, flat covers... The first year, student has specific deficiencies in this subject. Firstly, he does not have a previous knowledge about the subject, so even the vocabulary is a problem. Secondly, the top-floor or elevations views of constructive details in two dimensions do not give them the real vision of what is being proposed. In conclusion, it is intended to improve the learning of this subject with BIM technology. The introduction of basic BIM concepts that allow students to improve their attitude and aptitude to the subject, is proposed for the next academic year. Three dimensions virtual model is done with BIM technology, from the begining, modified and adapted with the inclusion of data, before and during the building construction. With specialist teachers in this technology, the Technical Architecture Degree provides the student not only the knowledge traditionally established, but a differentiating contribution among others universities, by introducing the latest technologies in teaching that will have its immediate reflection in their near professional activity

    BIM-LEAN as a Methodology to Save Execution Costs in Building Construction—An Experience under the Spanish Framework

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    Current market conditions characterized by technological changes, increasing regulatory requirements and low funding make current construction management models obsolete. This tendency affects not only the private housing market but also public administration projects, which have large time and budget deviations across the board. As a result, new approaches are needed to improve the efficiency of the construction process, removing extra costs and delivering projects on time. The most representative trends in the construction industry that enable such improvements are both Building Information Modelling paradigm (BIM) and Lean Construction philosophy with one of its associated tools in the field of construction management—the Last Planner System. However, a review of the literature shows the scarcity of works on the synergy of both paradigms taking into account the extensive literature on Lean and BIM individually. This is further accused if we look beyond the theoretical literature reviews. Therefore, this paper is focused on the benefits derived from the synergy of both disciplines and the impacts on project efficiency through a case study of a public construction project at the university of Alicante in order to provide empirical evidence of the benefits and improvements of using BIM at the Look Ahead meetings and of the Last Planner System. Finally, the results of the case study allow us to make a comparison with the data related to cost deviations of other public projects with different uses, built areas, and complexity which were managed with traditional methods of construction

    The Participation of the University Student in his Evaluation: A Collaborative Work Teaching Experience

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    During the academic years 2016-17 and 2017-18, an experience based on collaborative work has been carried out by the students and this activity has been evaluated by themselves. It has been tried to involve the student in his evaluation process because his work has been valued by his classmates. The student makes an individual evaluation of the work presented and defended in class by his classmates. This presented work deals with one of the eight lessons of the compulsory subject “Construction Equipment, Installation and Auxiliary Resources” of the third year of the Degree in Technical Architecture at the University of Alicante. The evaluated task has been a poster about the chosen topic. This poster has been explained by the students in class. As soon has the activity finished, a brief questionnaire must be answered. Each student must valued the work that their classmates have just presented. This questionnaire is designed by the teachers and unknown by the students. During this experience the student becomes aware of their own progress and perhaps the most important, he or she knows how their progress is valued by the rest of their classmates. The poster allowed them to work as a team, develop the ability to speak in public, synthesize constructive techniques and adopt a critical attitude to real situations related with the construction sector.This work has been funded by the Institute of Education Sciences of the University of Alicante and the Office of the Vice President for Studies Planning and Training Actions within the Project Networks of research in High Education teaching 2017-2018

    Communication, Teamwork, Motivation and Resolution of Conflicts in the New University Teaching Methodology

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    In the last years of university education, especially in technical degrees, the university faculty finds a profile of students whose attitude is far from being a professional in a short space of time. The present research focuses on the role of the professor as a connector between the university and the business world of the 21st century job market which demands new skills from students, not just knowledge. Nowadays companies look for motivated people, able to resolve conflicts and work as a team ... that is, leaders who made flow communication in the company. Social skills are learned behaviours, so therefore, can be taught. Here is the importance of changing the learning model. Then, this paper focus on the importance of teaching the following disciplines: communication, leadership, teamwork, motivation and conflict resolution. These skills must be acquired during the formative years. The methodology presented here has been carried out in the subject "Construction Equipment, Installation and Auxiliary Resources" of the third year of the Degree in Technical Architecture at the University of Alicante. Traditionally, the teaching of this subject has been theoretical, with lecture classes. During the last years, as a transition, after bad academics results obtained from this perspective, its conception has completely changed, becoming a totally practical subject. Nowadays, students have the necessary didactic resources, to become the manager of their learning. This new methodology highlights the team work among the students, by searching information related to the topics previously explained. The methodology includes students as an active participant in the session where they have to expose to their classmates the results of their work, fostering leadership, motivation and self-esteem, and breaking the barrier of speak in public. With this methodology, after years of decline, academic results have improved again. Students are now motivated, and they have a greater optimization of the class time so they can easily reach the objectives marked by the subject. Another relevant improvement is their change of attitude towards their future business life. This innovative didactic approach addresses teaching in conflict resolution, where the issue is not about eliminating or preventing the conflict but to assume those situations and leave enriched of them. The present study had positive results for both teachers and students and the proposed methodology can be applied to many branches of knowledge, hence the importance of their disclosure

    An Initial Approach Using Audience Response Systems as a Strategy for Improving the Learning Process

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    The current downturn in the Spanish construction sector has indirectly and negatively affected motivation levels of Technical Architecture Degree students. This has resulted in a reluctance among students to study technical degrees in this sector. Faced with this predicament, the question arises as to the relevance of the traditional model of university teaching. Traditionally, the process of teaching and learning in subjects related to building systems has been carried out following a theoretical and practical framework. This teaching methodology is based on a traditional learning model, with theoretical and practical classes, where tasks related to the theoretical contents are solved. A new methodology based on dynamic strategies, promoting discussion, reflection, teamwork, and collaborative decision-making is proposed. Professors were asked what and how they want their students to learn, and considering the generally positive student attitudes towards the use of new technologies, they were implemented in the new learning method. The goal is to recover lost motivation, encourage self-learning as well as a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach using new technologies, and last but not least, break the participation barrier that normally exists in lectures which typically deal with completely new subjects. Completing an individual post-lecture test followed by a class debate on the results enables each student to build a sense of self-confidence in the knowledge area. The tests include questions that simulate everyday scenarios, such as the management of a building. This encourages a highly dynamic and interactive lecture, which in turn stimulates confidence and motivation. Each student accesses the test via the Socrative mobile application where short tests become available at the end of each lecture. This paper presents a new methodology based on active learning using the Audience Responce Systems (ARS), in several modules of the Architectural Technology Degree.This work has been funded by the Institute of Education Sciences of the University of Alicante and the Office of the Vice President for Studies Planning and Training Actions within the Project Networks of research in High Education teaching 2015-2016

    Adaptation of the Lean Culture to Collaborative Work

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    In a global world characterized by competitiveness and speed, agility of change represents a key element of success in any organization. Versatility and the capacity of re-adaptation in changing contexts require an acceptance of the reality of the moment and an optimization of the processes within organizations. Given this situation, within the context of Higher Education we asked ourselves if education is adapted to changes, and if students were prepared for market reality. In previous researches we identified that specifically the students of the Degree in Architectural Technology face mixed feelings at the end of their academic stage, specifically during the development of their Final Grade Work. Instead of facing this last phase of the degree with attitude for learning, entrepreneurship, ambition and satisfaction for what has been achieved –that is, attitudes and characteristics of success in the 21st century- we have noticed that a high percentage of this students shows individualism, demotivation, insecurity and fear. According to this situation, as a continuation of previous work this work focuses on the application of business tools that foster the development of attitudes and aptitudes in students of Architectural Technology during the development of the Final Grade Work, bringing them closer to the competitive reality of the current global market. The work is based on the application of tools for improving performance that come from the business sector under the lean manufacturing paradigm applied to the project management and people management and the measurement of these performance indicators. This implementation will allow students to obtain better attitudes and aptitudes in order to achieve the proposed objectives. This application is validated through a case study of a final grade study group. This case study consists of the analysis of behaviours and the evolution of the projects and goals of all the participants during a specific period of time and its variation after the implementation of improvement tools for the project and team management. This evolution is analysed through specific key performance indicators.This work has been funded by the Institute of Education Sciences of the University of Alicante and the Office of the Vice President for Studies Planning and Training Actions within the Project Networks of research in High Education teaching 2016-2017

    Skills and Abilities Aligned with the Current Market Context

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    The European Commission -through the Communication Rethinking Education: investing in skills for better socio-economic outcomes- establishes in 2012 the new guidelines of education systems aligned with current labour markets, i.e. patterns for adaptation of qualifications in line with the new demands of the 21st century. One of the main lines of action proposed in the reform focuses on the development of skills as a strategic asset for growth. Within the framework of skills development, vocational skills are considered as a fundamental pillar that allows the development of skills, both basic and transverse, to shorten distances between universities and companies, i.e., they allow bringing high education students closer to the reality of working environments. Likewise, it is considered the development of entrepreneurial skills among the students. This fact contributes not only to the future creation of new organisations, but also to the employability of young people. Parallel to this new paradigm of academic restructuring, the students of the Architectural Technologist Degree face the Final Grade Work at their final academic stage. However, paradoxically instead of facing this last phase of the degree with concern for learning, entrepreneurship, ambition and satisfaction for what has been achieved up to that time, a high percentage of these students show individualism, demotivation, insecurity and fear of the development of Final Grade Work. As a consequence, the main objective of this research is focused on how can be promoted the development of vocational skills and entrepreneurial skills in these students who approach the work environment through the completion of Final Grade Work. Therefore, the present work is based on the identification and analysis of causes that encourage such demotivation, individualism, insecurity and fear in the subject of Final Grade Work through a case study. Specifically, the case study focuses on a group of students with same opportunities and similar characteristics, that is, with the same thematic area of Final Grade Work, the same tutor and identical deadlines. From the results obtained in the above analysis, it is presented a solution based on coaching strategies. Coaching is a tool whose success has been widely validated in other fields such as business or sports, which acts as a motor of change allowing the optimal performance and improvement of professional results - both individual and group - through techniques of analysis and motivation. In order to carry out the experimentation, we had the support of a professional coach of great experience and with training in the program of Success Unlimited Network. Through coaching sessions as a motivational tool, it was possible to integrate the Being/Doing of each participant – including not only students but also teachers - in an individual way to improve the attitude of the students to challenge the Final Grade Work, and therefore, to achieve the monthly goals set in each meeting. In addition, Team Building sessions were included in order to reinforce the collaboration among the participants, thus improving the team's overall performance, bringing them closer to the new cooperative and collaborative work methodologies that mark the current market conditions